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Santa Rosa, California | (707) 544-0784
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Santa Rosa Municipal Service Center

Santa Rosa, California

Owner: City of Santa Rosa

UST Removal and Cleanup

EBA performed environmental characterization and remediation at the Municipal Service Center in west Santa Rosa. EBA first investigated the environmental condition through a boring program which led to additional investigation. EBA prepared bid specifications for UST removal and overexcavation. EBA provided grading plans for site reconstruction and managed all excavation activities. EBA negotiated with the NCRWQCB and SRFD to allow soil remedial goals which allowed the excavation to be terminated at a reasonable point. After the excavation, an ozone sparging system was installed at the site which required numerous permitting and regulatory activities. The remediation was successful in the destruction of recalcitrant petroleum hydrocarbons. The site has been granted a case closure with no further action required.