210 Fifth Street Site Investigation and Remediation
Santa Rosa, California
Soil and Groundwater Investigation and Remediation
EBA was responsible for the demolition and removal of a commercial gasoline service station located in Santa Rosa, California. The project included the removal of the existing service station buildings and subsurface structures, including five underground fuel storage tanks, fuel lines and dispensers. Several in-ground hydraulic hoists were also removed from the site.
Since 2005 EBA has conducted several phases of investigation, including the advancement of 30 soil borings and 20 groundwater monitoring wells constructed within multiple water bearing zones at the project site, extending throughout the Old Railroad Square area of downtown Santa Rosa.
Remedial activities have included the excavation of approximately 7,700 cubic yards of impacted soil from the site and treatment and disposal of contaminated groundwater encountered during excavation activities.
EBA prepared a Corrective Action Plan/Feasibility Study for the remediation of impacted groundwater. Ongoing groundwater monitoring was conducted over the past several years to monitor the natural attenuation of remaining groundwater contaminants.
EBA prepared UST Cleanup Fund reimbursements that have reimbursed the majority of investigation and remedial costs for this site. The site has exhibited declining groundwater trends and was closed in December 2013 in compliance with the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board Low Threat Underground Storage Tank Closure Policy