Beebe Family Ranch
Petaluma, California
Environmental Cleanup and Biological Monitoring
EBA conducted a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment on a 100+ acre ranch property. An environmental concern identified during the Phase I was the presence of a significant number of waste tires placed within a creek channel on the property.
EBA worked with the property owner and applicable regulatory agencies to develop a plan for complete tire removal and property restoration. EBA prepared permitting documents for several agencies, including the County of Sonoma, the California Department of Fish and Game, San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, and the United States Army Corps of Engineers. A California Environmental Quality Act document was also prepared that resulted in a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project.
EBA prepared grading, drainage, and erosion control plans for the project site to restore the area to natural conditions before placement of the tires. The slopes were graded to a maximum of 2.5:1. Check dams were utilized in the channel to control velocities.
Approximately 500,000 tires were removed from the project site and upon removal EBA oversaw the restoration of the property, placement of erosion control structures, and re-vegetation of disturbed areas. EBA also engineered the refurbishment of a one-acre stock pond and the construction of a 30,000 square-foot mitigation pond to serve as habitat for the California Red-Legged Frog.
EBA performed post biological monitoring for sensitive species and slope stability for five years after the project completion.