Environmental Site Assessment
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
EBA has extensive experience preparing Phase I Environmental Site Assessments on a large variety of private, commercial, industrial agricultural and municipal properties. We assess the existing and potential risks and liability associated with development, redevelopment or purchase of land, and to satisfy the site evaluation requirements of development requirements and lending institutions. The Phase I Environmental Site Assessment evaluates the current environmental condition of a project parcel based on the current and historic use of the project site and surrounding land parcels. All environmental site assessments are conducted in accordance with ASTM 1527-21 and the All Appropriate Inquiry Statute.
An environmental site assessment begins with a historical investigation of a project site parcel. This task uses all local resources of information, including historical documentation from historical societies, building and planning departments, and local regulatory agencies. A Phase I assessment includes personal interviews with regulatory agency staff, previous owners or others with knowledge of the use and development of the project site parcel over time. The investigation also includes an inspection of the project site and surrounding land parcels to identify recognized environmental conditions that may impact the project site parcel.
Phase II Environmental Site Assessment
If a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment indicates the potential for impacts to a project site property, either from on-site or off-site sources, additional site investigation can be performed to determine the vertical and lateral extent of the impacts and to develop a strategy for site remediation, if warranted. Additional site investigation activities may include the collection of soil and/or groundwater samples to quantify the nature and extent of potential contamination and to quantify the concentrations of contaminants present. Cost-effective site remediation strategies are then evaluated and implemented with the oversight of applicable regulatory agencies.
EBA has performed many Phase II Site Assessments in a variety of site settings that include agricultural, residential, commercial, and industrial properties. Phase II assessments can be performed using a variety of available approaches, including geophysical surveys, soil and groundwater sampling, soil gas sampling, and other investigative procedures. Collected samples are submitted to a state-certified analytical laboratory for analysis.